Cat Rescue Dunedin is opening a new desexing clinic to provide low cost spey and neutering towards Dunedin cats. We're 70% of the way toward our $25,000 start up costs and need your support.
There are TWO ways to donate towards the Desexing Clinic:
Donate online here
Via bank transfer: Cat Rescue Dunedin 12-3150-0092565-00 Reference: vet
When you donate $500 you’ll be honoured with your name or business named on a plaque in our clinic.

I live in a flat – can I still adopt a cat?

YES! Although a cat’s natural instinct is to go outside, some cats can be better suited to an indoor environment: Deaf cats, blind cats, nervous, shy or elderly cats (‘senior kittizens’), or cats who have previously been used to living indoors. Some organisations prefer to rehome their FIV positive cats to indoor homes. The indoor life can be enriched by providing toys, a scratching post, and a flowerpot growing common garden grass, as a cat’s digestion is aided by eating a small amount of grass. Check out our blog ‘Keeping your Cat Entertained Indoors’. For more suggestions on how to make an indoor cat’s life a happy one, visit: or

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